Good morning world!!
I am proud and happy to say that i have survived 1 month of temporary customer svc assistant and i actually enjoyed this job?? Minus the fact that there are some idiot shoppers from time-to-time of course... Gonna miss the colleagues there! All so nice and fun to work with :') Not forgetting the super impromptu farewell party which left me feeling like a zombie since i was on morning shift the very next day.
On my last off day in that job i had this for brunch with nic! Food was not too bad but the pie and the side (chips) was a disappointment~
Wanted to have thai food but when we reached it was already 8.45pm when their last order was at 8.30pm for weekdays. Hashtag stabself wanttodie killme
Bought chewy junior for breakfast after dinner cos my parents went genting so we had to settle breakfast ourselves. 6 of $6 super good deal bwahaha. Nic tried 2 and he loved it!!!
After work on my last day i drove the girls out for supper for some catching up! Super fattening holy moly... Imagine having supper for 3 days straight. I don't even dare to weigh myself now T^T Made it home safely and i am proud of myself although i was pretty nervous initially :p And i actually survived on 3hrs+ of sleep and have supper and only went to bed at around 3am?? Woahhh
Love my family!! They know i love this drink so they bought them for me from jb since i was working.
Bro's birthday yesterday and i suggested jai thai since it was cheap and yummy and i'm glad they love it too! Been sooo long since the 5 of us went out together cos we are so busy? Super love weekends aka family day. I love my family! xoxo
Now that i finally have more time on hand i actually feel lost? If only i could work till end of july but they don't need part-timers since there is no gss promo :(