Last day of 2012
Just in case my face is missed on this dead space....
Hello world i'm back from Beijing!
Which also means that my December getaways has officially came to an end :(
It's the last day of 2012. To be honest i'm actually having mixed feelings about this. 2012 has been a good and bad year for me. I've met alot of people whom actually become part of my life, people whom become important to me, people whom i realize i never wanna lose. Of course i did lose people too.
So i thought i should kind of think back and sum up my 2012. Here it goes:
January and February is a total blur and i honestly can't recall anything that happened in this 2 months. Nothing eventful that's worth me remembering i guess?
March is the month where i had my 1st trip of the year to Bangkok with my dad mom and sister. Was really excited for this trip as it has been almost 6 years since i last visit that place. It is also the month where i started my 6 long and dreadful months of internship with Trust Maritime.
April is the month where i made my 2nd trip of the year to Bangkok. Wasn't so excited this time round maybe because i just visited that place just last month? But no doubt i still had fun. Coincidentally we visited that place during their Songkran (new year) period so we get to play water on the streets where you can spray anyone you see with water! It was really enjoyable and memorable. I love that place.
May, June and July is all about internship, internship and still internship. I can't stand myself leading such a life now that i think back. But at least it was peaceful, no drama no heartbreaks no nothing. It was where i got my kate spade wallet, marc jacobs tote bag and french connection watch, love them even till now :)
August is one of my favorite month because it is my birthday month :) I turned 18 on the 26th August this year. My parents opened a chalet for my sister and me at Gold Kist Beach Resort as our birthdays is only 4 days apart. I had fun and it was indeed a memorable birthday for me.
September is the month where the 6 long and dreadful months of internship finally came to an end for me :) Parted ways with the people whom i have been working closely with for the past 6 months. This is life, goodbyes are inevitable. This is also the month where i made my 3rd trip of the year to Bangkok. My brother joined us this time so it's dad mom sister brother me! :)
October is the month where i went back SP to study. I miss that place so much! It is also the month where i made my 1st ever trip to a club after being legal. My virgin trip goes to Zouk. I had fun but it was pretty disastrous which i don't wish to elaborate on. It was also when i met Benedict, starting texting, got close, went out for a couple of dates but obviously things didn't work out and we are not in contact anymore. We are still friends on facebook, still follow each other on twitter/instagram just that i don't even take him as my friend anymore. The toughest month of the year for me no doubt goes to October.
November is the month where i met all the awesome people and people who are now important people to me! Made my 1st trip to Zirca and had fun with them. It was pretty embarrassing for me now that i think back as i got bounced off by the bouncer 3 times that night. This still remain as a joke that the guys would rake up from time to time, sigh my life. But it was a pretty good month because it is the month where i met Nicholas :)
December is the month where us poly students starts getting stressed up as we are all having our mid-semester test/common test. I put in alot of effort this time round and managed to top in one of the papers, 95/100. Had work do pay off :) It is also the month where i made 4th and last visit to Bangkok for the year 2012. This time round with my polymates, it was reallly enjoyable, i had so much fun. Met my thai icandy there too. Also, i made my 1st trip in the 18years of my life to Beijing, China. It was really cold, temperature range from -2 to as low as -16 degree Celsius. Was pretty torturous but i had fun :) Got my favorite Marc Jacobs wristlet and watch that i have been eyeing for very long. My favorite month of the year definitely goes to December.
2012 has been a pretty good year for me. More laughter compared to tears. It was an eventful year and i really love it. Thank you 2012 for being so kind to me, i'm more than grateful.
Hello 2013, i'm ready for you :)
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