Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Everybody's got a dark side

Will you love me? Even with my dark side?

I miss my dip-dyed hair :-( 
Idk why i so itchy brain and decided to dye away the dip dye *spam sad faces :(*

Fyi (for those who don't know/unaware/never pay attention to my current photos >>>>:( ) my hair is back to the normal colour......... brown. Haha cos i think i chio bu in that colour can anot? Cos i think i very free i like to sit in the salon can anot? I wanted to dye back red but then it will still fade into copper aka like shit, so i must well just dye brown = safe colour! I dyed my hair back before my birthday week btw hehe. But now that i see my hair there's still traces of dip dye, like my hair isn't of the same shade of brown #coolkid :p


Update about my loser-having-internship-for-6months-as-dog-in-dog-company: Yesterday (monday) and today is all about work. Glad that this shit is ending final-fucking-ly in 2 weeks time. AND.............. WAIT FOR IT.................................................. I'M FLYING TO BANGKOK IN APPROX 8 HRS TIME BITCHES!!!!!

HAHA SORRY I'M TOO EXCITED. It's the 3rd time this year (2012) that i'm going there!!! Feels like my 2nd home already :p

Losers: Keeping going there not sian meh? 
Me: Oh so stay in Singapore 24/7/365 you not sian la??? _l_

Anyway i'm waking up at 3.30am later, cabbing to the airport at 4.30am!!!! And we're taking maxi cab!!!!!!! Sorry if am such a villager cos i've NEVER took a maxi cab in the whole 18 years of my life. You're welcome cos i'm a loser cos i can :-) Happy girl is me cos this time round my bro is joining us! Whole family yay! ^^ I'm gonna eat until i fat die and exercise like mad when i'm back in SG. LET'S GO HEHEHE.

So yup i'll be back on Sunday! Till then, let this whiny loser ranty bitchy post keep you guys occupied. I'll be back with photos! xoxo

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