Just finished watching 'What to expect when you're expecting' awhile ago and these thoughts came into my mind.
Why do people always complain of being alone when they don't even try?
"Wah how i wish i have a boyfriend to take me on a date"
"Why my mr right still haven't appear?"
"Why this guy just don't talk to me?"
Here's the thing. I've learnt that you have to fight for what you want. They don't just come to you simply because you WISHED for it. Wishes do come true not that they don't, just that out of 10 wishes you made how many really did came true? 1? 2? You have to work for it because hard work NEVER betray you.
Why do people always judge other people?
"His ex not pretty one so ugly"
"Why she wear like this? Like going market or something"
"Wah why you so overdressed? Only come school leh"
Just because someone is different from you doesn't mean they are weird. Why must you judge? Are you perfect? If no then you should keep all your comments to yourself. And i absolutely hates it when my friends judge me. How contradicting to call these people my friends when all they do is judge. Fuck.
"Don't judge someone just because they sin differently from you"
And now, i'm disgusted. I'm disgusted with humans and yes, i am disgusted with myself too. We are just superficial judgmental competitive creatures.
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