Sunday, October 28, 2012


Honeystars and milk for breakfast on a saturday morning

Went for NP's annual band concert in the evening. 
Nostalgia - when i was young
It was kind of an old school theme, pretty interesting and heard many familiar songs from my childhood :-)

 With C :)

With JY :)

With buddy :)

With K :)

Didn't manage to take much photos cos i think i look quite cui yesterday haha. We had our supper at KAP's macs and i tried the samurai burger which turn out pretty yummy because the meat is damn soft? Haha super sinful but my tummy is happy! 

So i spend my sunday with my family! We went chinatown to book our annual overseas trip! This year we're going Beijing!!! I'm quite excited cos the weather there is really cold + i wanna see snowww :( I can't wait for december already, need a getaway from singapore.

I find myself unhappy in things i do nowadays. I find myself expecting more from people once they start being good to me. I hate being so reliant on people. I get scared whenever someone tells me that they will always be there for me, because in the end everyone leaves. For now, i guess i should stop expecting? Although the boy is really good and sweet but even an idiot can see that he can't get over his ex. 

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